White hat CPA offers: Learn how to find CPA offers a white hat CPA marketing tips

Quick guide to white hat offers

Do you want to make good money, but at the same time worry about the state of karma? Do not worry, you are not alone. And, fortunately, for especially conscientious affiliates, there is a whole line of traffic affiliate marketing- white hat offers.

What are white hat offers?

As you probably already know, there are practically no concrete definitions in traffic affiliate marketing. All division into black, white and gray is rather arbitrary and mostly depends on the opinion and methods of work of a particular affiliate.

So, white hat offers are the rare exception to the general trend. These are white offers that are promoted by white mechanics in accordance with all the rules of the ad network’s policy. In addition, white hat offers represent goods or services from well-known brands, which means that the target audience is already warmed up and the “here, now and faster” sales scheme will not work here.

These are usually the following offers:

  • ecommerce – for example, products from Amazon, AliExpress, etc.
  • legal mobile games or applications;
  • beauty & health products that do not deliver unrealistic promises.   

The main thing is not to confuse white hat offers with nutra ones. Both are lotions for beauty and health. But white hat products are responsible for the result while nutra offers are embellishments or do not work at all. For example, a slimming corset is a white hat offer. And any dietary supplements to increase potency are nutra offers.

What are the advantages of white hat offers?

To make it more convenient for you, we have put all the information on the shelves.


White hat offers
Legality Legal and high-quality goods and services that fully comply with the declared properties.
Probability of bans Minimum. The exception is sophisticated promo materials that promise manna from heaven.
Number of good offers Many. Among advertisers, you can find such giants as AliExpress, iHerb, Ebay, etc.
Profit (what % affiliate networks offer) Depends on the specific offer and the vertical, but, for the most part, white hat offers are focused on average, but stable passive income.
Payment model Depends on the advertiser. Most often it is a % of the order, a fixed payment according to the CPA model (for a customer’s action), or the hybrid “percentage + rate” approach.
Attitude of advertising platforms Ads almost always pass moderation without any problems.
Competition High.
Target audience Very broad – one way or another, almost all solvent Internet users fall for the white hat offers. But this does not mean that such offers can be advertised with the same promo materials for all offers. Keep in mind that almost always a person can live absolutely calmly without the goods or services offered by the white hat offers.
Traffic sources for white goods
  • Google Ads 
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • YouTube
How to get started with promotion
  1. Analyze the demand for an offer – for example, using Google Trends and spy services.
  2. Form a portrait of the target audience to catch and understand its pains and desires.
  3. Develop a unique selling proposition – that is, answer the question “how does my product / service differ from the mass of others?”
  4. Test your hypothesis.
Who is it for?
  • For ovice affiliates who are just diving into the world of affiliate marketing.
  • For affiliates who want to earn consistently without overexerting themselves.

Where to find cool white hat offers

Decided to run white hat offers and are now looking for where they can be found? Check out Affiliate Network. is created by Terra leads. Here you will find:

  • Catalog of the most profitable offers;
  • Large selection of geos and verticals;
  • User-friendly interface that immediately displays all the necessary information about the offer, so that you can easily compare offers and search for your perfect option. 


How do I find good white hat offers?

Just go to affiliatenetwork.com.co, open the “Offers” section and you will have a lot of opportunities. It is time to test the one you like the most!
