Good CPA offer for the diet industry?

Wide bone for profit – let us talk about Diet offers

Weight loss is one of the elephants on which nutra offers rest. According to statistics, 70% of women are complex because of their figure. The remaining 30% simply do not admit it. Some of them go to the gym, others work on self-esteem with a psychologist… And there are those who buy goods that promise to remove fat more effectively than liposuction. Such people want to believe at least for a short while that losing weight can be quick and easy, as long as they just drink magic tea or take a capsule. This is our target audience. So why not please the lovely ladies? An affiliate gets a lead and they feed their anxiety by not sitting idly by. Men, by the way, are also found among such customers, but much less frequently.

Benefits of diet offers

These products are renowned for various weight loss methods officially recognized by nutritionists. Intermittent fasting, flexitarianism, the ancestral paleo diet, DASH system with five meals a day, Ornish vegetable diet, high-protein Atkins or Ducan diets, a keto diet with a focus on fat, etc.

The product is given a naming consonant with a certain diet. For example, Keto Light or Paleo Slim. The promoters advertise the same results as a keto or paleo diet, but without the need to adjust the diet, that is, make any effort. Very comfortably.

What are the advantages in the end:

  • A person goes to the site and sees the name of a familiar technique by which Kim Kardashian eats. Then they can google and verify the recommendations of the experts. As a result, consumer confidence grows.
  • People read about what they have to go through in order to achieve the effect of the diet and they lose their motivation. And the desire to lose weight in this way remains. The landing page promises to satisfy their request – to get the desired result without leaving the couch and without changing anything in your life.
  • Clear target audience. Mostly these are women after 25 who have grown fat after childbirth or have had problems with being overweight for a long time and have tried a lot of ways to get rid of it. They can also be segmented, because young people are interested in raising their self-esteem, mature people are interested in being attractive to a husband or the opposite sex in general, and at the age of 45+ they want to prolong their youth and maintain health.
  • Like the rest of nutra offers, it works well for beginners. It is easier and safer to drive traffic than with black offers and there are more profits than with white offers.

It should be borne in mind that weight loss products are seasonal, although you can get profit all year round. They are sold best during the holidays – in the spring and summer, because imperfections in shape are more difficult to hide under light clothes or in a swimsuit. Also remember about the specifics of different geos. Muslim women are less interested in such offers than others – their bodies are hidden by a burqa anyway and their mentality does not fit this.

Where to look for diet offers

Affiliate networks, in which affiliates are registered, offer a lot of nutra products. The account manager can help with the selection, but they will do this primarily for the benefit of the network itself. The offer may already be squeezed out or strong competitors may run it. Private offers are open only for top affiliates and creating your own is too expensive. Therefore, you need to be able to choose the right offers and not spare the cost of tests. There are many sites outlining proven offers in a structured way, including the Affiliate Network. is created by Terra leads directory site. All info needed for comparison is conveniently located in one row: network, offer, payouts, geos and verticals.

Category “Question / Answer”

  • How do I find good diet offers?

Study trends, choose the right one on sites that compare offers from different advertisers and affiliate networks. Test and start working.

  • How profitable is it?

In 2019, the Global Wellness Institute found that every year in the world people spend more than $575 billion on weight loss products. Many affiliate teams are exclusively focused on weight loss products, so with the right approach, this can bring a lot of profit.

  • Is there a recipe for a perfect offer?

No, but practice shows that the best converting criteria are: warming up on the pre-landing page, natural composition, fresh approach, accurate hit in the target audience segment, and complex offer.

Stop being sad about green coffee and Goji berries! We wish you good luck with your new offers.

